Dragon quest builders guide silver
Dragon quest builders guide silver

Dynamo Dagger: Upgrade the evolutionary weapon Deft Dagger which is the 65 mini medal reward.Locations – Dragon Quest 11 Erik Equipment If you’re using boomerangs, you can equip 2x Hunter’s Moons. Best Equipment – Dragon Quest 11 Erik Equipment SetupĪlternative Equipment Options: If you’re using swords, you can equip the Hypernova Sword (if the Hero isn’t using it) or 2x Metal King Swords. Once you’ve achieved it, you can have Erik make great use of equipment swapping during battle to make sure he’s got the right tool to tackle any particular enemy you encounter. That build should take you all the way to the end of the game. Next, go into Boomerangs and unlock the two accuracy nodes, then head straight up toward Double Down. It’s useful to have both knives and swords because if you divide and, for whatever reason, the boss doesn’t have a status effect on the next turn, you can switch to your swords and use Fatal Flash instead of your dagger finisher.Įither way, the main reason to go into swords is for Dually Deadly. The rest of the skills in the swords tree are useless so save your points. Once you’ve gotten Fatal Flash, finish off the Sword tree by grabbing the attack power +10 and attack power +20 nodes in the middle column.

dragon quest builders guide silver

I recommend getting Critical Claim first and getting it out of the way. You’re going to want to unlock Fatal Flash and Dually Deadly by going down swords, but you’re also going to grab Critical Claim in the Guile tree, which is the best skill in the game for killing Metal Slimes. Once the trees expand, you’re going to want to finish off the daggers tree all the way down to Nastier Knives, which you need in order to open up Dually Deadly. That should get you through most of Act 1 and 2 until Erik’s trees expand. Instead, head up into the Guile tree and unlock Deftness +10 node and then head up to the Agility +10/+30 nodes until you unlock the Divide node and then learn that. You’ll want to learn every open node in the dagger tree, but don’t bother with Assassin’s Stab when it unlocks. I’d highly recommend that you stick with knives exclusively for the first act of the game, because even though swords are slightly stronger, Erik’s dagger skills are dramatically better than his swords skills, especially during the first part of the game before his skill grid expands. The reason for this is that Dual Wield is in the Knives branch, so you have to dip in there. You’re going to want to go into daggers first, before anything else, even if you plan on using swords. Their pinnacle skill is Double Down, which allows Erik to clear entire random encounters by himself with ease.

dragon quest builders guide silver

Guile unlocks the potent Divide skill, which triples Erik’s damage on his next turn and heavily amplifies the effectiveness of both Fatal Flash and his dagger-based finishing moves.īoomerangs increases the overall power of boomerangs, which are Erik’s main crowd-clearing tool.

dragon quest builders guide silver

Swords unlock a ton of attack power nodes, as well as the powerful Fatal Flash skill, which isn’t as powerful as Erik’s dagger skills, but requires no setup.

dragon quest builders guide silver

Unlike many of the other characters you get on your team in Dragon Quest 11 Erik has uses for all of his skill trees.ĭaggers allow you to inflict status effects and then take advantage of those effects for incredible combo damage. In Dragon Quest 11 Erik has four major skill trees in Dragon Quest 11: Swords, Knives, Boomerangs and Guile.

Dragon quest builders guide silver